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Found 2187 results for any of the keywords paranormal phenomena. Time 0.008 seconds.
About Us - PPRIPPRI, established in 1997, was among the first organizations in Nova Scotia dedicated to examining claims of paranormal phenomena.
The Dead Files : TV Shows : Travel Channel | Travel ChannelOn The Dead Files, physical medium Amy Allan and reitred NYPD homicide detective Steve Di Schiavi, combine their unique and often conflicting skills to solve unexplained paranormal phenomena in haunted locations across A
Parascientifica - PPRIParascientifica is a journal created by Paranormal Phenomena Research Investigation that features parapsychology and paranormal articles.
Private paranormal Investigations Michael Steel North WestParanormal investigations My approach to all paranormal cases is one of objectivity. I always start by looking for rational, explanations first
The Beyond Website designed to encourage a TRULY, open-minded studyWhen we KNOW all the answers in a subject, or have all the facts, we stop learning. Our ego makes us closed minded. FAR TOO MANY people in the paranormal community have stopped learning because they think that they have
EVP Ghostly VoicesA brief description of EVP Electronic Voice Phenomenon
Home - PPRIPPRI is a non-profit organization consisting of experts in the social science of parapsychology, focusing on research investigation.
Are ghosts real? | Are haunting s real?The views and opinions of a former skeptic on the reality of ghosts, hausntings, and the paranormal
Podcasts - PPRIThe Duelling Parapsychologist Podcast features Dr. Darryll Walsh Dr. Elliott Van Dusen, members of PPRI-one a skeptic one a believer!
Research and Resources - PPRIPPRI studies parapsychological phenomena our research endeavours to deepen the understanding, thereby increasing public awareness.
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